September Update

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September Update

This month is my wife’s birthday and to celebrate, Avalon Found will be discounted all month. .99 cents for the e-book and $9.99 for the paperback. Click the following link link to get your copy now… 

I was a guest on the Blasters and Blades podcast where I was interviewed by JR Handley.  The podcast is currently in editing and will be released later this month or early October.  It is a great podcast with lots of fun and games with your favorite authors.  I will post the release date as soon as I get it.

What I’m Reading

This month I finished “Spacers, Dawn War,” book eight of the Spacers series by Scott Bartlett.  Things go from bad to worse as Captain Thatcher tries to stay alive while fighting Simon Mol.  Conditions continue go from bad to worse every time Thatcher attempts to right the universe.

I also finished.  The Patmos Revelation by Carl Jamieson.  Things went south in a hurry and was non-stop “Oh my!” after that.  All seemed lost and I was pleasantly surprised at the end.  I look forward to reading his next book.  You heard me, Carl.  We need your next book.

Looking ahead

The advice I keep receiving is that the best path to success for an author is to write.  With that said, I shall conclude my newsletter and keep writing.

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