Author: E M Hanzel

Welcome to E M Hanzel's website

September 2024 Update

What is happening. I joined a writing group called The Inkwells a few months ago and it has been one of the best things I could have done. We meet weekly and review each other’s current work in process. I knew I had a good story in the works, BUT… having my peers review and…
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March/April 2024 Update

The writing continues. It is still difficult to find time to write as I work full-time, but I am happy with my recent progress. I am just under halfway on the next book in the series.  I still don’t have a name for it and hoping one will present itself before I write “The End.”…
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September 2023 Newsletter – Writing Again

Long Absence Wow, Avalon Found had its first birthday back in June. It was an absolute blast to write, and I still enjoy talking to people and promoting the book. It also feels good to be able to put this newsletter together after a long hiatus. I had a job change in the first quarter…
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February Update

What is happening: I took time over the holidays to enjoy my time with family, focus on work, and outline where I wanted the story to go. We quietly rang in the new year after a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas at home. My outlining, while sparse, maps out certain events that must take place for…
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November Update

What is happening September and October were incredibly busy months.  Several large projects at work (upgrading the accounting software, hiring and training a new employee), plus four birthdays made the time fly by. Add in the Halloween pumpkin reading my book and before you know it, November is upon us. Get your copy of Avalon…
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September Update

This month is my wife’s birthday and to celebrate, Avalon Found will be discounted all month. .99 cents for the e-book and $9.99 for the paperback. Click the following link link to get your copy now…  I was a guest on the Blasters and Blades podcast where I was interviewed by JR Handley.  The podcast…
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August update

I have been so focused on the newsletter and marketing my book that I have neglected posting any updates. Here is a quick rundown from last month. What is happening All three of the kids contracted Covid last month and were quarantined till they were better.  Luckily, my wife, mother-in-law, and I were able to…
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Pre-orders Available Now

Things moved quickly the last several days and the E-book is now available for Pre-Order. Paperback should be approved by Amazon shortly. Select the link below to reserve your book Avalon Found eBook : Hanzel, E.M.: Kindle Store Thank you to everyone that helped make this book possible.

Almost There

Trying to keep the launch date for Avalon Found to June 4th. It sometimes seems like I am herding cats. I assume this is the joy of self-publishing. So many hats to wear and things that must be done prior. I am happy with the cover; the artwork and the font are exactly what I…
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Moving right along

Story has been written, Website almost completed, and Business cards on order.Working through the last of things necessary before I can select a Launch Date. This includes signing up on Kindle, creating my first newsletter, and getting some advanced readers. Advanced readers will be given a copy of the book early so they can leave…
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