November Update

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November Update

What is happening

September and October were incredibly busy months.  Several large projects at work (upgrading the accounting software, hiring and training a new employee), plus four birthdays made the time fly by. Add in the Halloween pumpkin reading my book and before you know it, November is upon us. Get your copy of Avalon Found for the when you must occupy the throne. 

I did an interview with JR Handley on the “Blasters and Blades” that was released this week.
You can check it out here on You Tube or the Blasters and Blades podcast site.

What to write

I was able to get unstuck in the story and write a few more chapters.  I’m still way behind on my self-imposed quota, but with the weather cooling off, I should be able to spend more time in my office writing.

What I’m Reading

Cadence to Glory by Mary Beth Dearmon. This was a nice change from the normal Science Fiction or Space Opera that I’ve been reading lately. Mary Beth does a fantastic job of writing in the style of that time period about a young aristocrat lady who finds herself drawn to the ideals of freedom and liberty. I really enjoying the word smithing and clever choice of words she used to allow the characters to express themselves.  

Omega Task Force by GJ Ogden. I finished the six-book audible series and found it gripping.  If you enjoy Ogden’s work, save a few dollars, and purchase the entire set all at once. You get over forty hours of great story telling. 
I found myself listening to the series during a few work road trips. Steven Barnes did a great job giving the characters each a unique voice.

Looking ahead

Scott Bartlett was interviewed on Authors A.I. where he talked about the benefits outlining your story. It makes sense and with all the stops and starts with writing the next book, I am going to invest some time and energy in learning how to make my stories better. Wish me luck as I dive into John Truby’s Anatomy of a story and Larry Brooks’ Story Engineering.

One Response

  1. whoiscall says:


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