April updates

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April updates

Funny how things can go sideways. I send my book to another author for some content editing and a quick look before I published. I was certain I had everything ready.


David Wimsett set things right. Showed me where the story slowed down, where I was giving away the story and areas that just needed to be removed. The good thing is that my story is much better and part I removed can be turned into another book in the series. Thank you very much Dave for the assist.

I finished making the corrections last week and completed the book cover this evening. Now, it is on to the website. I must find a way to fix the two hyperlinks on the front of my website to go to the newsletter sign-up and the latest blog.

Once I complete those tasks, then I will be in good shape to pick a launch date for the book. I’d like to say early May, but that may rushing it a little.

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