
Welcome to E M Hanzel's website

April updates

Funny how things can go sideways. I send my book to another author for some content editing and a quick look before I published. I was certain I had everything ready. WRONG…. David Wimsett set things right. Showed me where the story slowed down, where I was giving away the story and areas that just…
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Latest on publishing journey

Having some content editing being done and hope to have it back in the next several weeks. I am debating if I want to add more to the cover or just leave it as is. I realize I don’t have to make any decisions till I get close to pre-release. I still have to learn…
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Writing is finished.

I have finished with the writing and now must complete my book cover. I know what I want, I am just not skilled enough with Adobe to get it over the finish line. Hoping to figure it out or find someone who knows how. Once I am done, I can start the pre-release promotions.

Three Awesome books in two weeks

Ryk Brown released his latest Frontiers sage with “Aurora: EV-01” and he did not disappoint. Captain Nathan Scott and crew continue to bring peace to the solar system reuniting old friends in their common goal. Never would have guessed the ending, and now I have to wait for the next one. Ep.#1 – “Aurora:…
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Need Beta Readers

Still learning and setting up the website. Hope to have most of it finished in the next several weeks. Book is ready for some serious Beta Readers. Need to see if people would be willing to get an early read to see if the story is ready for prime time and… if they would be…
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Getting setup

While my first book is getting edited and reviewed by my beta readers, I get to turn my attention to the book cover and setup my webpage. WordPress has given me hundreds of options for the initial page. I know it is going to take time to decide what I want and more time to…
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